Phoenix rising from the ashes - Феникс, возрождающийся из пепла
Phoenix rising from the ashes is the emblem of rejuvenation and immortality, that which reappears after apparent destruction. The phrase owes its origin to the story of a fabulous Arabian bird, said to have lived for five hundred years. The myth of phoenix found its way into ancient Greece. It has been much talked about and described in stories of the ancients. At the end of every five hundred years the phoenix built a fire which it fanned into a blaze by flapping its wings; there it sat on the flames, and was burnt to ashes. But while the ashes were still hot, a new phoenix sprang from them, and the fresh young bird began a new existence of five hundred years.
Нескучное онлайн-обучение английскому языку с помощью игр и интересных заданий Присоединяйтесь к 23 миллионам пользователей LingualeoФеникс — сказочная птица с великолепным оперением, живущая в Аравийской пустыне. Миф о птице Феникс перешел в Греций из Египта. Каждые пятьсот лет птица Феникс сжигала себя на костре и снова возрождалась из пепла. Отсюда феникс — символ вечного возрождения и бессмертия.